> Helpdesk > Item listing > My items are not showing in listings or searches

My items are not showing in listings or searches

There are three reasons why your items may not show in public pages, but do show in your listed items:

Your status has not been set

In order for your items to show in public views you need to set your account status to “personal” or “business/trade”.

  1. Log-in using the log-in link in the page header or pull-down menu. If you are already logged-in, use the “Profile” link in the pull-down menu.

  2. At the “Profile” page if the “Status” setting indicates “No value set” then this may be the problem with your listings. If the “Status” indicator is “Personal” or “Business/trade” then you have a different problem with your listings.

    1. To set the “Status” for your account, click the “Status” link.

    2. Select either “Business/trade” or “Personal” from the choices available.

      • Choose “Business/trade” if you are selling/listing items in the course of a business.

      • Choose “Personal” if you are just selling/listing items that belong to you personally, and/or that were not bought by you in order to earn a profit or as part of a business.

    3. Click the “Update” button.

Your items should now show in public pages, if one of the problems below is not affecting them.

Your item has not been activated

  1. Log-in using the log-in link in the page header or pull-down menu.

  2. Once you are logged-in, use the “My items” link in the pull-down menu, or if you are on your profile page use the “Items” link.

  3. Your items listing will show three buttons for each item row “Activate” or “Activate/Renew” or “Deactivate”, “Edit” and “Delete”.

    • If an item has an “Activate” or “Activate/Renew” button, and you want to show it in public views, then click this button.

    • If your item shows the “Deactivate” button, then it is active it should already be showing in public views.

    • To permanently delete an item click the “Delete” button.

Your item has expired

All listings on Vend St expire after a set period – to renew the item follow the instructions below:

  1. Log-in using the log-in link in the page header or pull-down menu.

  2. Once you are logged-in, use the “My items” link in the pull-down menu, or if you are on your profile page use the “Items” link.

  3. Your items listing will show three buttons for each item row “Activate” or “Activate/Renew” or “Deactivate”, “Edit” and “Delete”.

    • If an item has an “Activate/Renew” button, and you want to show it in public views, then click this button.

    • To permanently delete an item click the “Delete” button.